To protect and serve is the message, doctrine, downright legacy one police officer passes down to another and a message of unity, strength and support as they protect our communities across America. We asked them to be here. We asked them to arrive on the scene of an accident or to save a person in distress, talks someone off a bridge and prevent a suicide, helping a young family and their neighborhood streets or maybe the small shop owner robbed at gun point? This is why blue lives matter.
We have all seen the news and witnessed the most tragic events of a generation with the reduction in police staffing and the near decimation of The Thin Blue Line. Furthermore the “Black Lives Matter” Marxist agenda and its defunding of police has opened up a huge vacuum whereby crime has reached unprecedented levels. Murders are up, theft and looting and for them and the Antifa morons we have a society and many major cities laid waste. For that reason our police force has not been given the opportunity to protect and serve because their own mayors and district attorneys would prefer to suckle the tit of utopian fantasy.
To protect and serve meant a calling and a higher level of service than these idiots in black Antifa riot gear would comprehend. There has never been a more important time than now to back the blue.
The Punisher symbology has been seen throughout American society, in the military, in the law enforcement community and basically anywhere a person might see or witness a sense of freedom and values. The Punisher was about vengeance and although I would love to kick the living crap out the Antifa, Proud Boys and anyone who would deface America and push a Marxist agenda I simply can’t. The Punisher would have ended their careers the day before yesterday but instead we continue to support our men and women in law enforcement by produce designs and products to be worn and enjoyed by our law enforcement officals.