Tough times in the past and hope for the future we honor and celebrate with police gifts that honor the men and women of The Thin Blue Line and their accomplishments. They protect and serve all of us. All not some. It’s been a tough past 3 years and people had better wake up to the reality that without our professionals and law enforcement we will never survive as a nation.
We are a nation of laws and they were created to protect us from villainy and the wolves that attack the herds and prey on them. At 10-4Gear We back the thin blue line and back the blue with amazing police gifts.
Whether you are a sheep dog and follow the mantara of to protect and serve or an important part of the community that backs the blue all need to recognize the sacrifices our LEO officials are making daily. A police gift is an excellent way to honor them and show them respect we all deserve.
We pray daily for the safe return of our law enforcement officials as they come of their shifts. We create LEO art and design specifically for police and K-9 teams with these gifts so our men and women in blue know how proud we are of all of you. From police shirts to police challenge coins all of the police artwork we have created were done in collaboration with law enforcement officials with whom provided the inspiration and insight on how to create police designs that connect with police, Sheriffs, troopers, US border patrol agents and more.
Police gifts fall into many categories like police challenge coins. Our designs feature a law enforcement design at 4mm, double sided many with antique silver and gold accents. When color is present it was hand painted providing a rich and highly detailed approach to a leo gift that has a very special place in the hearts of your loved one.
If the desire is to have a police sign displayed on your wall, in your mancave or the wall in your police precinct then this could be the police gift you were looking for. At 12 x 18/ inches and a thickness of .040 metal it is a USA printed and constructed police gift that knows no equal.