A paw, skull and crossed bones found in this law Law enforcement K-9 shirt is displayed in this subdued manner. Those that work in the K-9 teams know and understand that the power of the K-9 to enforce the law is more than just speed, sharp teeth and wit. It’s the ability to cohesively work as a team to defeat crime. They know this. They understand this and the K-9 LEOs carry this out each and every day.
This K-9 Skull Women’s Shirt is a subdued LEO design that illustrates the strength and determination of fighting criminals and lawlessness. It is a quiet, professional law enforcement K-9 shirt design designed by LEOs for LEOs An example of the LEO detail found with each of our law enforcement and K-9 shirts, uniquely designed by 10-4Gear.Com.
100% Made in America- Support What They Protect
100% Cotton T-Shirt
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